A Two-Way Street: Creating an INTER-national school community

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  • Feedback form
  • Workshop description
  • Slide deck
  • Follow up on workshop discussions (about student names and translation for parents)
  • Resources mentioned in the session
  • Additional resources
Photo of a two way street with arrows pointing in each direction.
Photo by Marissa&Eric on Unsplash.

Session description

What does the “inter-nation(al)” in “Seisen International School” mean? In particular, what does it mean today when international schools have increasing numbers of local and foreign students who do not come from English-speaking families?

This session is designed to help participants think about what it means to be “international” from the perspective of I-DEA (inclusivity via diversity, equity and anti-racism).

It will use an updated version of the concept of “third culture kids” to help participants understand the international school experience from the perspective of students of different racial, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The session will also consider the perspectives of both the “movers” and the “stayers.”

Understanding the student perspective will help uncover the unconscious biases that can affect the way we engage with students, implement our language policies on campus, or design our curriculum. Ultimately, the aim is to help enhance our ability to create a more intentionally inclusive environment on our campuses.


  • To understand the impact of the international school culture on student identity, culture and language
  • To understand how (unconscious) cultural biases influence the way we engage with students
  • To learn new ways to interpret and engage with the international school culture and to help students feel seen


The slide deck from the session is available in PDF format below.

Follow up on workshop discussion

  1. Student names: There was some discussion about whether or not we should pronounce student names in their original language or with an English inflection. However, the main point is not about the adults deciding which pronunciation is better. Instead, it is about showing interest in the child and giving them a chance to choose how they want to be called rather than imposing our choices of names on them.
  2. Translation for parents: There was a question about whether or not written communication for parents should be translated. In principle, I believe they should be translated, especially into the local language(s). I have also checked and found out that it is now common practice for international schools to provide translations for parents in the local language(s) and other languages used by large numbers of parents.

Resources from the session

Growing Up in Transit: The Politics of Belonging – Danau Tanu (2018, 2020)

Racism in international education. Growing Up in Transit - in paperback poster

Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, 3rd Edition – Pollock, Van Reken & Pollock (2017). (Click here for Japanese translation or English webpage.)

サードカルチャーキッズ国際移動する子どもたち』 著者:デビッド・C. ポロック、 ルース=ヴァン・リーケン 、マイケル・V. ポロック 著 嘉納もも日部八重子峰松愛子

Book covers of Third Culture Kids and the Japanese translation

The Global Nomad’s Guide to University Transition (2nd Ed.) – Tina Quick (2022).

Additional resources

Families in Global Transition (FIGT), Japan Affiliate – Saeko Mizuta and Aiko Minematsu run bilingual Japanese and English events for TCKs in Tokyo and online.

TCK Workshop – bilingual tutoring services in Japanese and English for Third Culture Kids (or returnee students / kikokushijo / kikokusei 帰国生 or overseas children / kaigaishjo 海外子女 ).

The traumatizing gift: A global childhood – Saeko Mizuta, TED talk.

Inclusion via Diversity, Equity & Anti-Racism Foundation Workshop by Council of International Schools (24-26 October 2023)

Social media poster for I-DEA workshop by Council of International Schools in October 2023

Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey – An award-winning film by Elizabeth Liang. Read the film review.

Poster: Hapalis Prods presents Elizabeth Liang's Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey. Directed by Sofie Calderon. Photo of Liang in black shirt and pointing. Logos of three awards.

TCKs of Asia live forums & podcast.

TCKs of Asia w team profile pics

Tanya Crossman is author of Misunderstood: The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century. See website

Safe Passage: How mobility affects people & what international schools should do about it – Doug Ota (2014).

For more resources, see here or Tanya Crossman’s list of recommended resources.

Ejecting Internalised Racism

30 May 2023 – This is an online handout for Training 3 for the International School of Geneva.

  • How do we exernalise the system and reject it?
    • How do we separate the system from our identities?
    • How do we separate our biases from our intentions?
    • How do we separate the history of our people from our identities?
  • What does this process look or feel like?
  • What does the system impact mobility issues in Third Culture Kids?
  • What small things can we do to counter the system? 


The slide deck from ‘Training 3: Ejecting Internalised Racism’ is available in PDF format.

Past sessions


Growing Up in Transit: The Politics of Belonging – Danau Tanu (2018, 2020)

Inclusion via Diversity, Equity & Anti-Racism Foundation Workshop by Council of International Schools (24-26 October 2023)

Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, 3rd Edition – Pollock, Van Reken & Pollock (2017). (Click here for Japanese translation or English webpage.)

Tanya Crossman is author of Misunderstood: The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century and expert on TCKs who shared the story about the Polish student with me. See her website and list of recommended resources.

Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey – An award-winning film by Elizabeth Liang.

Poster: Hapalis Prods presents Elizabeth Liang's Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey. Directed by Sofie Calderon. Photo of Liang in black shirt and pointing. Logos of three awards.

‘Third Culture Kids: The Return Home’ by Tim Brantingham in Sandwich Parenting.

Additional resources

TCKs of Asia live forums & podcast.

TCKs of Asia w team profile pics

For more resources, see here.


Photo of books, teapots and trinkets on a table, including Growing Up in Transit and Third Culture Kids, arranged in a flatlay

我叫 Danau TANU(中文名叫陈烜兰),来自早稻田大学亚太研究中心 (WIAPS)。 今年3月份我来到日本为了对日本的多元文化青年人进行研究。

我父亲是印尼华人,母亲是日本人。 我会说一点中文但是不大好,所以以下内容大部分用日语写了。对不起,请谅解。


尽管日本社会越来越变得多元化,对具有外国文化影响而且在日本长大的儿童和年轻人的研究还少。 因此,本研究旨在了解在日本长大的儿童和年轻人如何在许多方面受到各种文化影响。 例如通过:

  • 移動・移民・転校
  • 学校環境と教育
  • メディア(媒体)
  • 人間関係(例:家族、友人/朋友、コミュニティ等)



  • 子供(18才未満)の頃に海外で3ヶ月以上暮らしたことがある
  • 親のいずれかが海外で生まれた
  • 親のいずれかが日本の少数民族である
  • 海外移動、学校教育、メディア、友人、家族などを通じて子供の頃(18才未満)からバイリンガルである
  • その他**






  • 時間
  • 日時・場所
  • 内容・形式
  • 録音・許可
  • プライバシー・匿名性
  • コロナ対策

インタビュー過程について:気持ちよく、そして自由に自分の話をすることができてインタビューが楽しいと言われる方がしばしばいる。答えたくない質問に答える必要はないし、インタビューに同意した後でもインタビューの途中や終了後に気が変わった場合は 途中でやめたい・録音を削除してほしいと要求することもできる。その場合、 気が変わった理由を説明する必要もない。参加者がなるべく気持ちよくインタビューに望めるようにしている。


人類学では「参与観察」と呼ばれる研究方法が採用されることもある。 つまり、参加者が友人や家族等と過ごす時、または学校や職場で過ごす時の「実際の生活」を研究者が参加者と交流しながら観察することを意味する。 こういった交流により参加者の経験や物の感じ方をより深く理解できる様になるのである。 もちろん、参加者の許可無しでは行われない上、参与観察は必須ではない。インタビューだけに応じたいという方に対しては参与観察は行われない。





Photo of the Waseda University Uni Shop & Cafe 125. Outdoor seating in the front, trees in the background.
早稲田大学キャンパス内の Uni Shop & Cafe 125


早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター(WIAPS) 特別研究員

国際交流基金 長期研究員

タヌ・ダナウ博士 (Danau Tanu, Ph.D.)



Thank you!

What’s the real problem? Can you see it?

13-15 SEPtember 2022.

This is the e-handout for the Keynote for Day 3 of the CIS Inclusion via Diversity, Equity & Anti-Racism Foundation Workshop held on 13-15 September 2022.

It includes the resources mentioned in the presentation, slide deck, and additional resources.

Poster: Keynote Speaker. What's the real problem? Can you see it? Dr. Danau Tanu, Japan Foundation Research Fellow, Waseda University, Japan


Racism affects all students. We are all complicit in it. But how? In this keynote, I am inviting you to engage in a paradigm shift that will help reveal the way structural racism infiltrates the student experience—even in areas that may seem unrelated.

The ‘hidden curriculum’ often obscures the ‘real’, underlying issues in areas such as international transitions (including repatriation), student engagement, school-parent relations, campus social life, academic learning, and so on.

I hope that this keynote will help us see old problems in new ways and be better equipped to support students.


To challenge us to think of old ‘problems’ in new ways by:

  • rethinking the frameworks we use to analyse ‘problems’
  • ensuring fairness in the way we use these frameworks or categories
  • understanding that it is okay to address ‘the ugly’ in our hearts
  • understanding that racism affects all students
Image of an iceberg. The tip is above the water surface but most of it is submerged. The tip is labeled 'International mindedness' and the submerged portion is labeled 'hidden curriculum'
The Hidden Curriculum. Adapted from graphics designed by Mifune Takashi at irasutoya.com. Graphics copyright: Mifune Takashi.

Slide deck

The slide deck from the workshop is available in PDF format.


The resources mentioned in the keynote address are listed below in order of appearance.

Main text: Growing Up in Transit: The Politics of Belonging at an International SchoolDanau Tanu, 2018. 

Racism in international education. Growing Up in Transit - in paperback poster

Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, 3rd Edition. David Pollock, Dr. Ruth E. Van Reken and Michael Pollock, 2017.

Safe Passage: How mobility affects people & what international schools should do about it. Doug Ota, 2014.

Misunderstood: The Impact of Growing Up Overseas in the 21st Century. Tanya Crossman, 2016. See also www.tanyacrossman.com

Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey – An award-winning film by Elizabeth Liang.

Poster: Hapalis Prods presents Elizabeth Liang's Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey. Directed by Sofie Calderon. Photo of Liang in black shirt and pointing. Logos of three awards.
Alien Citizen by Elizabeth Liang

‘Third Culture Kids: The Return Home’ by Tim Brantingham in Sandwich Parenting.

Additional resources

TCKs of Asia live forums & podcast.

TCKs of Asia w team profile pics

For more resources, see here.


早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究所センター(WIAPS) 所属のタヌ・ダナウと申します。日本の多文化若者の研究をするために今年3月に来日しました。



  • 移動・転校
  • 学校環境と教育
  • メディア
  • 人間関係(例:家族、友人、コミュニティ等)
インタビュー参加者 募集中. 日本が多様化してるって ホント?? あなたの「多文化」 経験を教えてください!私って何人? 純ジャパでないとダメなの?「国際的」って英語だけ?早稲田大学特別研究員 タヌ・ダナウ  LINE dtanu



  • 子供(18才未満)の頃に海外で3ヶ月以上暮らしたことがある
  • 親のいずれかが海外で生まれた
  • 親のいずれかが日本の少数民族である
  • 海外移動、学校教育、メディア、友人、家族などを通じて子供の頃(18才未満)からバイリンガルである
  • その他**






  • 時間
  • 日時・場所
  • 内容・形式
  • 録音・許可
  • プライバシー・匿名性
  • コロナ対策

インタビュー過程について:気持ちよく、そして自由に自分の話をすることができてインタビューが楽しいと言われる方がしばしばいる。答えたくない質問に答える必要はないし、インタビューに同意した後でもインタビューの途中や終了後に気が変わった場合は 途中でやめたい・録音を削除してほしいと要求することもできる。その場合、 気が変わった理由を説明する必要もない。参加者がなるべく気持ちよくインタビューに望めるようにしている。


人類学では「参与観察」と呼ばれる研究方法が採用されることもある。 つまり、参加者が友人や家族等と過ごす時、または学校や職場で過ごす時の「実際の生活」を研究者が参加者と交流しながら観察することを意味する。 こういった交流により参加者の経験や物の感じ方をより深く理解できる様になるのである。 もちろん、参加者の許可無しでは行われない上、参与観察は必須ではない。インタビューだけに応じたいという方に対しては参与観察は行われない。





Photo of the Waseda University Uni Shop & Cafe 125. Outdoor seating in the front, trees in the background.
早稲田大学キャンパス内の Uni Shop & Cafe 125


早稲田大学アジア太平洋研究センター(WIAPS) 特別研究員

国際交流基金 長期研究員

タヌ・ダナウ博士 (Danau Tanu, Ph.D.)



Thank you!