Resources for Researchers

You will find a list of resources on this page that may be useful for research. This is by no means an exhaustive list. Neither is it an endorsement but simply a way to share information.

Mobility & (Privileged) Migration

Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Research Network Affiliate

A community of researchers working on topics relating to families that experience mobility. The Network offers online seminars by experts and workshops for graduate students. It also organises research panels for the annual FIGT conference. Danau is currently serving as one of its Co-Chair.

Mobile Professionals and Families

This research network is hosted by Tampere University in Finland and focuses on the migration, mobilities and everyday lives of skilled migrants with a particular emphasis on families.

Expatriate archive centre

The Expatriate Archive Centre collects and preserves the life stories of expatriates worldwide for future qualitative and quantitative research. Located in The Netherlands, their collection holds diaries, letters, documents, photographs and more.

Indonesian Studies

indonesia research network

An online network of researchers studying Indonesia. It aims to be a hub of information about conferences, publications, scholarships & fellowships, and so on. It was founded on a whim by Danau in 2010 and has now grown to a network of over 16,000 members. It is currently moderated by Danau Tanu, Thomas Barker and Endy Saputro.

Inside Indonesia

An online magazine that offers an in-depth look at Indonesia through publishing articles that are mainly written by academic researchers who want to communicate their research to the general public. Its articles are peer-reviewed by a team of editors made up of qualified academic researchers. Danau is currently serving on the editorial team.

New Mandala

An online magazine that offers an in-depth look at the Southeast Asian region through the publication of articles written mainly by academic researchers. It is hosted by the Australian National University.


The conversation

The Conversation is ‘an independent source of news and views, from the academic and research community, delivered direct to the public’. It was founded in Melbourne, Australia and now has editions catering to the global perspective as well as several different countries, including Indonesia.

for postgraduate students and early career researchers