Resources for Third Culture Kids

You will find a list of resources on this page that may be useful for Third Culture Kids. This by no means an exhaustive list. Neither is it an endorsement but simply a way to share information.

Content summary of this page:
  • Books
  • Asian Third Culture Kids
  • A film – Alien Citizen: An earth odyssey
  • Language
  • Counseling


Asian Third Culture Kids

Image of a tree illustration on a moss green background and the words 'A podcast by TCKs of Asia'

A film

Alien Citizen: An Earth Odyssey by Elizabeth Liang is a powerfully moving and super hilarious take on the experience of international mobility in childhood. It covers the less-talked-about issues in the TCK world, such as racism, colorism, global inequality, sexual harassment and eating disorders.

You can also read my review of the film that was first published by the EARCOS Triannual Journal and then republished in multiple other international school publications.


  • The Traumatizing Gift: a Global Childhood – A TEDx Fullbright Tokyo talk by Saeko Mizuta of TCK Workshop (日本語)


  • INTERNATIONAL THERAPIST DIRECTORY – Search from over 200 professional counselors and therapists in over 35 countries around the world — and online — who specialize in serving the internationally-mobile, TCK, and expat community.
  • 育ちネット多文化 CROSS Sodachi-net Tabunka CROSS provides therapy sessions in English, Japanese and Chinese (Mandarin) in Tokyo. 育ちネット多文化 CROSS は英日中の3カ国語でのカウンセリングを東京にて提供しています。創設者の初田 美紀子さんが主催している TCK Podcast もご参照下さい。